August 18, 2010

  • Xangablogging: Why and How I Blog: Repost


    This entry was first posted on November 7th of 2009. In the last two months, I’ve gained 42 new subscribers and friends. I thought it might be fitting to post an edited version of this post again for those who are ”new around here”. I am thankful for all the new readers, and I am delighted and thrilled to meet new people and to visit new blogs. If I haven’t visited any of these 42 new folks yet, give me some time, and I should get around to your site sooner or later. 8/18/10 6:45 a.m. pdt MFN/ppf 

    WhenWordsCollide: What you’ll find here.

    I always find it interesting when I read that some Xangalebrity has left Xanga to create their own website. I created my Xanga blog five years after I created my website,, as a portal to said site. (Click the Allthingsmike header at the top of my blog and you’re taken directly to my main website.) I’ve often written, I blog here for the comments. My website was a “blog” long before anyone had ever written the timestamping software which makes blogging possible. I would meticulously date the updates on each of my pages, so readers would be able to know where they “left off” when they last visited. When blogspot came online, I immediately signed on, and created individual blogs for each of the sections of my website. Since blogspot didn’t have comments, I had no idea whether people were reading me or not.

    I was introduced to Xanga in May of 2004, which had comments, and immediately consolidated all my blogs into this one, WhenWordsCollide, using one of the blogspot blogtitles. It refers of course, to my rambling style of writing, which includes parentheticals, “hash marks”, tangenital thinking, and free association. Back in 2004, my blog had pretty much the same sections it has now. It looked the same, with a cloudscape background, dreamcatchers on my profile pics, and long glossy entries with large graphics and photos, all self created instead of copy/pasted. The major sections correspond to sections of allthingsmike. As I compiled entries, I catalogued them in an index, which is still to the left in my sidebar. When tags became available, I used the tags feature to identify my sections. They are:

    PhotoPosts: My photography series, tied into my Webshots Gallery where I usually take the reader on a “trip around town” with me, describing the scenery as you witness it along with me. I’m currently listed as #8 of about 15,000 users posting California photos on Webshots.

    ElectricPoetry Posts: Themed poetry posts, usually with at least one new piece, and including a “Behind the Poetry” discussion of the hows and whys of the poetry presented.

    The Universal Blog: Inspired by the “Philosophy” section on my original website, and usually a spiritual or philosophical entry I have posted or which I will later post on The Universal Blog, a standalone site on blogspot.

    MikeVideo: Presentations of my latest videos. I create not only “Mike’s Video Blogs”, high quality 10 minute “travelblogues” or Hewell Houser type documentaries, but also artistic music videos and photo slideshows, and rather ambitious animations, produced under the MikeVideo banner, which has been around for over 20 years.

    Serialized Novels and Reminiscences: I’ve been writing my autobiography online since I started blogging, and series such as “The Frat House”, “My Sexual History”, “Childhood in Los Angeles” and “My Life with Pat” detail the chapters of my life.

    Groups and Blogrings: I write for particpatory blogrings such as Socrates Cafe and Featured Grownups, and I used to run a particpatory blogring called The Internet Island. Some of my best and most popular blog entries have been written for blogrings. 

    News and Notes: Inspired by the newspaper columns I used to write for the high school paper, which I edited, these are mainly where I write about my “personal life”.

    Upcoming, new, and planned series include the comic “Xanxiety” and the political/current issue column “The Voice of Reason: Baldmike Explains It All.”

    I post on average once every three days, and I will notify my readers of my many “hiatuses” which can last for months at a time. Even when that happens, however, I usually make an attempt to post something at least once a week.

    My first visit to your blog.

    “Dear Fellow Xangan, Thank you for dropping by my blog, leaving a comment, befriending me, and most of all for subscribing…” I should probably just copy/paste that line, which I must have written over a thousand times in the past six or so years, with a few modifications. I’ll usually visit you first because you left a comment on my blog. Although I subscribe to about 77 blogs (also listed in the sidebar) , a lot of them are not active anymore.I don’t subscribe to too many blogs anymore. I almost always leave comments from the comments I receive. I seem to “know” enough Xangans that this keeps me busy enough, and if each comment generates a return visit, we can carom back and forth forever. If you leave a comment, I should, if not immediately, at least pay you a visit within a week or so.

    When I visit, this is what I do. First I look for your given name, so I have something by which to address you. Most bloggers’ usernames, including mine, aren’t our”real” ones. So I will go to your profile and back entries to figure out who you are. I want to be introduced to “the person behind the blog.” I will usually read several entries, and becuase I can’t make the time to viist each and every time one of my correspondents posts as they write them, I usually read most of the five entries on the front page when I visit, or if you’re one of my “regulars”, I’ll go back to the last entry where I ‘left off” and continue from there, like reading a book or a magazine.

     constantcomments I live for comments, and people always seem to remember the comments I leave on blogs, which are unlike any other comments in the Xangasphere. My comments are like letters, and are sometimes short blogposts riffing on what you’ve written or presented. I am always deliciously satisfied when people sort of “mimic” my commenting style when they comment on my own blog.

    My comments might be longer than your post. I read and catalog several entries, and I write my comment/letters on Notepad as I’m reading. Sometimes, depending on the time of the day, or my mood, or the mood of the piece or pieces to which I’m responding, I might be serious, or playful. I might be sarcastic, or funny, or sentimental. I will discuss things on my mind and in my past which comment on your post. I might post an “answer poem” from my vast archives. But I will always read every word you write, and I will write you a letter. You don’t even have to respond. But if you do, then we will eventually become correspondents, and alot of my correspondents have been with me for five or six years.

    Friending and Subscribing.

    Don’t feel bad. I probably won’t ask to be your friend. I might spend an hour with you, but then I’m off to another blog, and might forget you altogether if you don’t pay me a return visit. If you do, then it’s up to you to either befriend me or subscribe, if you have not already done so. I’m a content provider. I won’t read your blog daily. I simply cannot make the time. I work sometimes up to 50 hours a week, and sometimes I don’t feel like sitting in front of a computer on weekends. When I do, I will probably be constructing my own entries, which take hours to create, since I make the graphics myself and write all the content. So if you like my blog, and leave comments, I will always respond. If you don’t visit or comment after our initial correspondence, then I probably won’t visit again, and I’ll forget all about you.

    If you befriend me, however and don’t visit, I will make an attempt to visit you a few times, and leave long comment/letters. If I don’t feel you are reciprocating in our “friendship”, I might simply delete it. I never used the “universal inbox” until recently, and I just don’t want to see your posts and recommends show up if you’re not visiting my blog. As I’ve mentioned, I usually return comments, like I’m answering letters. (And it doesn’t matter if you write me a letter or say “nice blog”. I’ll treat each Xangan equally. I love you all.) This is why I rarely befriend anyone. I know you wanted to befriend me, so you should want to visit me every once and a while. If you don’t and I didn’t use the inbox, then I would forget you. If I see you recommending and posting all the time, and we’re not really friends, then you’re history. Sorry if this sounds harsh. My ‘real’ friends are all longtime bloggers who might not update that often, and sometimes I might miss their posts. I read LOTS of blogs. If I remember a blogger who hasn’t dropped by in a while, I’ll make an attempt to find you, and I’ll try to “reconnect”. I sometimes ingratiate myself attempting to do this. When I ran a Poetry Group on Yahoo, I used to brag that I never had anyone leave the group. I don’t like to burn bridges in real life either.

    cocoapuffsbowl2 Comments.

    I love to receive them. More than anything else, I crave feedback for the content I provide. I make an effort to write the best comments on Xanga. I’ve been told this many times, so I don’t feel as if I’m bragging. For a time, I felt as if I would go to my grave “known” as the guy who wrote the best comments, when what I really want to be “known” for is my poetry, videos, photography, and artistic soul. So if you befriend me, please drop by from time to time, and leave comments. They don’t have to be long. If you leave me a comment, it will be returned. And hey, I’m human, and I do sometimes overlook a comment. You can always come back and let me know I didn’t return your visit. When the internet was just email and cursory websites, I used to say I returned all my email. I like being a “man of letters” on the internet, and treat comments as correspondence.

    For those who don’t comment.

    Some of my readers read only from subscription lists, and I will probably not visit them because they don’t visit me. Most of these people don’t really care about the socializing aspect of blogging. Some of them have told me so in private messages. I am not one to belittle or complain about those who read my blog and don’t socialize. I don’t consider them “trolls” or “stalkers”.  I’m glad they’re reading my words and admiring my work. They are just as important as the people who visit and comment regualrly.

    Mass Messages

    When I only had a website and an email list, I sent updates to my email list on what was happening on my site. I will sometimes send sporadic updates using Xanga messages. And I usually will not begin them with “I know you hate to read mass messages…” I am sending the messages to those on my lists who might not have visited in a while and might be interested in knowing that I’m active, or have posted a new video, or some other benchmark event. I try to limit these messages to one a month.

    01truexanga Gratefulness and Community

    I love my Xanga blog. I’m a lifetime member of the community here. I’ve been ‘featured” a number of times, and thanks to a few select buddies of mine, I frequently find my entries at least in the middle of the Most Rec’d page. I thank everyone who has made it possible for this to happen and for me to continue coming back, after my frequent hiatuses, to keep loving the community aspect of Xanga. I know so many longtime Xangans who still offer remarkable work, even if they don’t post as much as they used to. I always seem to keep getting new friends and subscibers, and sometimes I do make the effort to search out new bloggers on my own. I do frequently follow the recommendations of my buddies on Xanga when they recommend or mention a noted blogger I don’t yet know. So a note of thanks to all those who have stuck with me through the past six years, and to those who just discovered WhenWordsCollide. Mine is not an easy blog to read. It’s called WhenWordsCollide for a reason. Hopefully, however, each of those words means something. I want to remain optimistic and hopeful with each passing day. I do answer all my messages too, eventually. I may not be a Xangalebrity, but more than one blogger has called me a Xangalegend, and I’m content and thankful for that!

    EDIT 08/19/10 1:30p.m.pdt: I’m giving this entry one last updated timestamping. I was hoping for more of the new subscribers/friends to see it and comment. Perhaps I’ll just add a link to this somewhere on the main page. I’ve been busy cataloging new entries to post, and have one planned for this evening. I’m back up to about three entries a week, which was pretty much my average since 2006 before going on extended hiatus early this year.

Comments (37)

  • You really need to get that tattooed on the top of your head.

  • Even though you call this one a repost, it’s good to step back and evaluate where we stand now.  Even in the course of a couple months things can change.  I’m looking forward to the Voice of Reason series. 

  • LOL to Theologian’s comment!  : D

    I think you are pretty well-known around here.  Longevity and prolific postings don’t hurt!  Thoughtful blogging, too, draws a lot of people.

    I have quite a lot of people to whom I subscribe, but I have to limit the list.  I read EVERY post, although I cannot reply to all.  I think it is a little like traveling together, you know?  In a really big group on a long expedition, you might not talk to everyone all the time, and your “neighbors” might change from time to time as your position within the group changes…just a fancy.

    I always admire the amount of time and dedication you have to your posts.  Mine are more hastily written, but I hope just as heartfelt.

  • Thanks for reposting this since I hadn’t seen it before. I like your long comments and I don’t mind them. Not many people on Xanga leave long comments.

  • I’m a fan of your comments as well! They really come across as sincere and genuine… not just something you cooked up really quickly just so that you would have something to say. 

  • I’m just blogging to get it out of my system. There’s only so many times I can yell at my friends. 

  • Great post, and yes I missed this, so thank you for re-posting. Recd. 

  • I think I remember this from before. It’s probably a good thing to repeat inasmuch as you’ve garnered new readers.

    I’ve received 2 friend invites recently and chose not to accept. I generally  explain to invites that I intentially limit that list, but that they are welcome to maintain a subscription to my blog. They don’t need “friend” status for it. If I believe we have enough in common, I’ll subscribe. If there is enough interraction btwn us, then maybe adding to “Friends” can be done.

    I understand your position on comments. Although Xanga reports readers in “footprints”, I believe people should make some comment, preferably about the content of the post. I also appreciate your comments that I’ve read on other sites.

    ~~Blessings ‘n Cheers 

  • @Drakonskyr - So you yell at US???  I feel loved.  *Smile

  • You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.

  • Thanks for visiting my page, I really appreciate it.
    I totally agree with you on the topic of xanga friending. I have quite a few people who sent me friend requests, but never view my site, and it just blows my mind away! It seems pretty selfish in all honesty. And then there are people who I send friend requests to because I like their blog and they seem interesting… but when I comment, they never reply or return the favor.

    But I usually turn the other cheek, keep blogging, and every once in a while I’ll go comment on one of their posts, hoping that someone will reciprocate.

  • I love the detail~

    @TheTheologiansCafe - Do it Mike~ get the tattoo!  I bet there are some of us here on xanga, who will pool our $ together to pay for it!

  • Xanga for me has morfed every so often since I have been here…friends come and friends go and although I am on facebook because that is where most of my remotely located family goes to post the latest in family gatherings, someone’s condition who has been in the hospital, ocasionally they post if they are going on a trip…it is more an annoncement board.  Xanga is definately a family where you learn about people inside, a mask doesn’t last long. Instead of “what all the dog did today” (although sometimes even that here is written with such humor that it relieves the day).  I enjoy your posts and hope you will continue for a long, long time.


  • I love all your little Xanga humor photoshopped pictures – especially the Comment Puffs! That was great. Interesting post though….

    I’ve got the point where the sub box is overfilling, and too many people send friend requests that I can’t keep up. But like you, I try to spend time equally and not to forget about people. 

  • Hi Mike!
    I know you since I arrive Xanga back in July 2004, and if there is someone that deserves success, that someone is you! =)
    I hope to see you always at the top of the top front Xanga page!
    Have a nice week,

  • This is a repost? I didn’t know but you do bring up very good points here. I only friend people if I really like their blogs and the person behind the blogs. And if it’s something I can keep commenting on =) Or if I can get along with people. I’ve been on xanga since the beginning..which was in 8th grade, I think? Which was eons again..I swear it was. Honestly, I just like making friends anywhere I go. I don’t care too much if they don’t view my page or whatnot. I never kind of cared about myself..I only care for others =) I guess my personality just shines through. 

    Your humor makes me laugh..and makes me happy…and makes peace inside my heart. That kind of humor does lighten up a person’s heart. Though I do try and visit everyone, because I equally care about them..and besides I like talking to them..

  • I am new to this so thank you for giving me something to think about!

  • I need to start using the word “riffing” more often. I’ve replaced it lately with “grokking,” which is inappropriate given its definition. You know I try to be careful with language, and I try to learn (or relearn) something new every day.

  • I think we all blog for our own weird reasons,too

  • I’m just a guy who passes through from time to time, but this looks like good advice for people who want to blog here a lot.  I’m afraid this place is a little too conservative for a man like me, but I check in every now and then.

  • @BoureeMusique - Yeah, I think language is very important.  Otherwise, why have it?

  • The answer: because we haven’t come up with a better way to communicate yet . Believe me, I’ve asked myself this question many times.

  • I never read this the first time you posted it. At least I don’t remember reading it.

  • I’m glad I saw this Mike ~ you have given me some ideas on how to resurrect something I wanted to do before. 

    Next time I come over though I’m going to have to avoid that morphing photo at the top of the page. I’m getting itchy feet – want to get out to Vancouver Island and pick some “silly shrooms”  

  • Hahah yeah sorry about not “putting my name out there”  I realize it is a frustration of many.  Most people just call me Butterflies or B&H.  The rare xangan who knows my name has been asked to address me as C.  There’s a whole like… 3 of them.

    Thanks for the introduction of your blog site.

    I have nothing so intricate.  It’s just a blog for blogging. Bloggity blog blog blog. 

  • Youre very analytical about your blogging.  I do not send friend requests either.  If I like a site I subscribe to it.  I feel like asking for someone to accept me as a friend is a little pushy.  If they like my site they’ll subscribe.

  • It was good of you to make this repost. I certainly would not have read this insightful blog had you not done so. Well, I certainly enjoyed your visits to my site….and I truly appreciate your meaningful comments. Thanks for again sharing this one. 

  • Well, Mike, you seem to have spelled it out pretty clearly what you do with your Xanga, why you do what you do, and how you treat others. I appreciate that kind of honesty and self-awareness. I will say, though, at the end of this post (in the update) you said you were updating the time stamp “one last time” in hopes of getting more of the new subscribers to come see it. I did, so I guess it worked ; but, given that you’ve admitted that your blog isn’t exactly a “quick read,” you might want to give us “newbies” a bit more time to work our way over here. As one of your new subscribers, I enjoy reading your blog; but I don’t always have time to commit to it in my busy life. I’ll get here when I can. If there’s ever something you really want ME to see, personally, feel free to tag me in it… I am almost always curious enough to go check those out in a timely manner! 

    Looks like you use Xanga for what it was intended for and what it’s best at: to build a community of relationships. That’s why I never pay attention to those who predict Xanga’s demise simply because it’s not doing what any one user thinks it should… Xanga DOES do what it does, better than anyone else. It allows people to connect in a real, authentic way and build relationships while also preserving some privacy. Works for me. Later I’ll go on my intermittent tirade about how those who love and use Xanga regularly should financially support it by subscribing…

  • @suzyQ_darnit - Dear Suzy, You’re one of MY favorite bloggers. You blog your life (as we all do, essentially) and so far, it’s been pretty interesting to me!

    @Shining_Garnet - Dear Eden, Not too many people are me. I always say “I don’t blog like most folks.”

    @nodnarbassoon - Dear Brandon, Believe it or not (and this took me a while to realize, and I don’t consider myself dense either) some Xangans will befriend you JUST so you will see THEIR posts show up in your inbox. A lot of them are immensely popular here, so it must work to a certain extent to “drive traffic” (I hate that phrase, we’re not SELLING anything.) to their blogs. I can imagine what it must be like to have a zillion friends, just from the few times I’ve been “featured’ so I haven’t varied my “blogging style” in six years, and it works for me.

    @mommachatter - Dear Mom, Although my buddies seem to be dropping like flies, I seem to stick around, and I’m a “lifetime” Xangan, so I’ll probably blog about my trip into the Universal Mind when that time arrives. LOL

    @ourblasphemousrumors - Dearest Mina, I always love it when folks notice the graphics. Most bloggers just copy/paste from the web. I create everything myself. You can’t tell from the size in this entry (but can if you click the image) The “comment puffs” are “eprops”!

    @BoureeMusique -Dear Emily, I grok you. Someone just asked what character from literature we would most like to meet, and I said Michael Valentine Smith.

    @x_Butterflies_and_Hurricanes_x - Dear Butterflies, This is just a blog for blogging too. Bloggity blog blog blog. (You should seriously patent that title for a children’s book.)

    @ItsWhatEyeKnow - Dear Lena, Way to go.

    @Norcani - Dear Norcani, I haven’t reconnected with you yet since before I went on “hiatus” a few months ago. I’ll have to get over and pay you a visit soon.

    @ThoughtsByShirlann - Dear Cheryl Ann, You don’t have to think that you have to read every word here. (or anywhere else on the internet for that matter.) Just skim until you see something you like, and then dive in. I’m easy. As I’m wont to say (and hope it doesn’t sound like a broken record by now.) My blog is a place where I store my writing and creative endeavors, and they stay online. I use my tags for all the sections, and before they had tags, I supplied an index, which is still to the left in the sidebar. Think of my blog as a magazine.

    Xanga is just a website. The “demise” is in people’s heads. I have some readers and subscriptions to Xangans who have been “here” since 2000! Still blogging away.I’m a “Lifetime” member, and I paid for that privilege, but when you add it up, it was a bargain. I think they still offer the lifetime subscriptioin.

  • I’ll eagerly wait for that visit. Thanks for your time. 

  • You are very thorough in your explanation, I can see why you were drawn to the blogging world :)

  • I’m glad you’re staying optimistic ;)

    Ok, but first things first:

    Dear Mike,

    I have never (I mean it) officially introduced myself to anyone on Xanga, but considering how much time and effort you seem to put into it to find out the person behind the mask, I will tell you…

    My real name is Elizabeth. I am 24, and I married my husband, William, in the beginning of 2010 – and now, as you noted, I am pregnant (12 weeks, almost 13).

    I’m a lot like you are in the way I get around Xanga. If someone has visited my site, I want to know who it is that is that is commenting and what they’re all about. I appreciate comments too. Actually, I get very excited when I receive them – it’s kind of like an addiction… I recently (few months ago) deleted my Facebook bc I felt ppl took it too seriously and began to use it as a tool to conspire and dig into peoples business. I had MANY “friends,” all of which I knew and didn’t necessarily want to have access to as much info as they were seeing (or I was displaying) but I’m not a quite person, I enjoy sharing with my REAL friends (and I mean this in Xanga too, but I don’t know anybody yet.. So here, xanga can be my friendboat to the world).

    I’ve been known to say that I like to write, an I talk to much if I don’t. But the truth is, I’ve never actually thought that. I’ve been in AND out of MANY BAD RELATIONSHIPS that led me to believe it was better for me to keep things to myself, but I’m a social butterfly. And luckily, after i found Billy- everything has been right with the world and I could once again bloom into the beautiful butterfly that I knew I still had buried deep inside.

    My life has been a mess of ups and downs, but the focus for it is to know and remember is that through it all- I have put a smile on my face just to dance MY dance in the rain- not only making it a point to find happiness and peace wherever it layed, but not to allow anyone to rain on my parade for too long (except nature itself – then I just jump in the puddles). The key is to always be optimistic, even when life is looking down bc only then can we find the answers in our hearts that will actually lead us to more health, and prosperity of some kind.

    You had a lot to say here.. And I know I didn’t touch base with everything, but I saw where you were coming from. I rarely subscribe to anyone because I figure I’ll find them again when they post something. I do usually friend them though. But I am (truth be told) intimidated to friend you.. bc life gets busy sometimes, and I try to post on things that matter to me too, so I can give u a fair answer. And frankly, though I see exactly where you’re coming from I probly wouldn’t notice I got deleted until I clicked on a comment u left on my page before and can’t see your stuffs. Lol. I dont mean to be an aired though, and I wouldn’t want to offend you.

    But there is one other thing I wanted to point out- you are the first, and only person who has ever touched base with everything I have posted in my blog- which is likely why I took interest in responding to you so thouroughly.. Most of the time I get ppl stopping by with half Congrats, and I haven’t been sure if they were able to see everything or not (I wasn’t offended, but it was nice to know someone can). So thanks

    I’ve actually been on xanga twice before, starting before it was even popular. But I left those blogs to “hide” from the people I knew in “real life,” bc though I use this medium to write my personal things out for possibilities of the world to see, I don’t want to be personally targeted in drama circles by ppl I know.

    I am not interested in having private messages with anyone or secret conversations either though bc I want everyone who cares to leave feedback, but if u do visit me again, please, don’t take it as a requirement to comment, I will not be offended.

    In closing, I appreciated your comments so thanks for posting :) .


  • This is a wonderful introduction to your blog site, thank you for sharing the link with me!

  • You should be writing a book yourself.  You’ve got lots to say.  So are you?  Just wondering.  I like your face with that cup of tea by the way.  It looks happy, funny, and self satisfied… in a good way.  Of course, that IS one of my favorite teas you’re holding there.

  • @Ampbreia - Dear Ampbreia, I wrote my first novel at the age of 14. I’ve written dozens of short stories, but my main metier is poetry. When I got online in 1997 my original plans were to post my nearly 1000 poems dating from 1967 online. The result is the ElectricPoetry website. Poems after 2009 are on my blog tagged ElectricPoetry. I’m currently writing my memoirs on my main website, and on my blog. I’ve got a few rejection slips from the early days, but I’m not really interested in “publishing” except on the internet. I have developed a few readers since I began running poetry groups on Yahoo in the late 90s. My longest online “reminiscence” is “My Sexual History” which spans 1965-1999 as of right now, and is 14 chapters long. I’ve finished one memoir, “Dear Misanthrope: My Life with Pat:” detailing the “relationship from hell” I also post short stories on my blog under the tag “short story”. One of my readers tells me I should get a Nobel or Pulitzer for “A Hole in the Wall” my “fable” of Middle East relations which took five years to write. My own favorite piece of my writing is the short history of the entire world, called “History: An Essay” which attempts to describe everything that has happened without mentioning dates or events by name. Quite an undertaking, and it took a few years to write, but doesn’t take all that much time to read. Thank you for leaving a comment on this, my “introductory” blog entry.

  • @baldmike2004 - I should have known.  Gee, I do have you pegged then. .. And LOTS of good stuff to delve into methinks.

  • Stopped by from the post by whyzat where you linked to this post.

    I enjoyed reading this. A very thorough explanation of why you blog here and why you do what you do. We all blog for our own reasons. And pretty much everyone has their own policy about “Friending” or “Subscribing.” It’s good to know where you stand though.

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