April 24, 2008

  • Internet Island Topic Post #34: A Really Bad Day

    I Couldn't Make My Appointment Because Someone Burned Down the DMV!

    We all have good days and bad days. One of the worst days I've encountered was also a pretty bad day for a good many people in Los Angeles. The day was April 30th, 1992. It was a Thursday, and the day before my birthday. I and my girlfriend Pat had planned to spend my birthday weekend at the beach in San Clemente. We would rent a motel room, and take Charlie and Laura, Pat's kids, to the beach. I was looking forward to this adventure. Only recently had I moved in with Pat in Long Beach, and our relationship together had only just begun.

    Both Pat and I worked at the same place in Long Beach, a small family owned electrical parts distributorship, where I ran the panel shop and Pat oversaw the assembly of the switches we sold. We both had cars, but since I didn't have a license to drive, we used hers to get to work. I had an appointment at the Department of Motor Vehicles on Thursday afternoon after work to reapply for my driver's license, which had been suspended a few years before  because of drunk driving arrests. In celebration of my new relationship with Pat, I was "cleaning up my life" and getting a license was one of the steps I was taking in this direction.

    riots The bad day actually began at around 3:15p.m. on the previous afternoon. It was at this time in a courthouse in Simi Valley that the LAPD officers who had been accused of beating black motorist Rodney King had been acquitted of any crime. This peeved a lot of folks in the L.A. area, and they commenced to riot. By sundown, there was a large melee in South Los Angeles, and some other areas of the Southland, including the area in Long Beach where I had just moved in with Pat about a month previous. There were heated discussions at work about the verdicts before we left for the day. We counted both Asians and blacks among our workforce. The blacks were especially pissed off, and the Asians were somewhat afraid of what might happen. The sparks which set off the ensuing six day rioting spree flurried about, and everyone could tell that things were not "normal" by watching the news.

    I was only just getting to know Pat as a roommate. Usually she had the television on all the time, but the evening of the 29th, she didn't want to turn it on, even though I'm a news junkie and wanted to see the unfolding drama which would become the "L.A. Riots" as it played out. Her kids, who were pretty much on their own anyway, left the house early and watched the rioting on television at friends' homes. We ended up playing cards and drinking beer like usual. Needless to say, I felt powerless and somewhat irritated, but didn't want to start a riot with my new girlfriend. At about 7:30, the kids came through the door with stories of what they had seen on the news, of motorist Reginald Denny being pulled from his truck and beaten in South L.A., of the shop owners in Koreatown standing on their roofs with shotguns, guarding their property, of the wholesale looting and the absence of police. I would only really realize the impact the next day when I read the newspaper.

    April 30th, 1992 dawned bright with the burning fires of Korean businesses crackling outside our bedroom window. Although the bulk of the rioting was in South Los Angeles, there was also rioting in Long Beach as well, 40 miles away. The devastation in Long Beach seemed more engineered than in South L.A.. Anaheim Street, which was the major thoroughfare close to the apartment where Pat and I lived, had many Korean and Asian owned businesses, and these were being "targeted" and burned to the ground.

    Pat drove me into work as usual on Thursday. We both had the next day off, May 1st, which was my birthday, so we both collected our paychecks at noon. By that time, the rioting in South L.A. was pretty widespread. On the television in the break room, we could see the war between the blacks and Koreans raging unchecked. News copters were flying around L.A. shooting unbelievable footage of fires, burning cars, wholesale looting, and gunfights. The police were nowhere to be seen. The world was watching as well, and although the bulk of the rioting was centered around Florence and Normandie in L.A., scattered fires, gunfights, and shootings were happening in Long Beach as well, and the people who showed up at work that day were getting ansty as the heat of the L.A. riots scorched closer and closer.

    On my lunch hour, I called the DMV, which was located on Willow and Pacific Avenues, about 12 blocks from work. The phone seemed to ring forever. In the strange atmosphere around town, normalcy was quickly fleeing, and there was a palpable feeling that people were about to take matters into their own hands. Only the strong survive. Somebody at the DMV finally answered, and I asked it they were going to be open, as I had an appointment at 3:00p.m. The voice on the other end of the phone was hurried and exictable. I was told that employees were leaving as we were speaking. It didn't look as if I would be able to make my appointment. I hung up in disbelief.

    Jack, our CEO, decided to close down our business a day early. I and Pat had already collected our checks because we'd scheduled Friday off becuase of my birthday, and the rest of the company wasn't so lucky. A little after noon on Thursday, everyone left the building and Jack locked it up for nobody knew how long. Our office was located in the middle of Long Beach, which is a pretty sizable city, and the smoke plumes we could see in the South were happening on Anaheim Street, quite a few blocks to the south.

    But only a couple of blocks from where Pat and I would be headed home.

    We stopped at a 7-11 to get some beer and supplies. We were still planning to leave for the weekend, but the atmosphere all over town was eerily quiet and anticipatory, as if waiting for a big explosion to happen, or an earthquake. Customers at the 7-11 were depleting the store's stock rather quickly. On the street, people were hurridly walking, with heads lowered, trying to mind their own business. Although the rioting in South L.A. was being shown on televisions everywhere, there was not a lot of news about Long Beach, and so you didn't know what areas were "safe" and which were "unsafe". Neither Pat nor I wanted to chance being robbed at a Long Beach ATM, so she drove me back to where I'd lived before moving in with her, to Lomita. We visited my bank, and I cashed my check. Next we went to Bob's "Frat House", where I had lived previously, and convesed with Bob and his roommate Joel about the insane things going on around town. Lomita was far from any conflagration, so the atmosphere there was like a safe harbor in the middle of a war. I shuddered to think of what was going to happen when we got home.

    Driving on the freeway back to Long Beach seemed "normal" enough. We got home by 6pm, and the whole of Anaheim Street seemed to be on fire. Thankfully, our apartment was in the southwest corner of Long Beach, so we didn't have to drive down Anaheim. We could see roving bands of rioters torching buildings as we made a right turn onto Daisy Street, where we lived. The apartment was completely fenced in and  had a locked gate. Pat's kids were home, and again, she forbade anyone to turn on the news. From the bedroom window I could plainly see four plumes of fiery smoke billowing into the air. The area looked like a war zone. One of those fiery plumes was only two blocks away, near the furniture store where I had bought our bed a couple of weeks earlier.

    The DMV was burned down at 8p.m. It looked like I would have to reschedule my appointment at another time....and place.

    I like to think I can get through any situation, but I felt trapped and began to get a bit afraid. Pat was taking this a little better than I was. "I'm not going to worry until someone crawls into the bedroom window", she proclaimed. I suggested that this might actually happen. A guy was shot near the furniture store. It was really a bad day. 9Riotbucket

    We went to bed fitfully and nervously. The night air was filled with burning embers. We finally slept a bit, and woke up to even more plumes of smoke, scattered yelling, and the sounds of gunfire. It was Friday morning, May 1st. My birthday. Early in the morning, we piled the kids and the supplies in the car, and locked up the apartment. I didn't know if the building would even be there when we got back from San Clemente, but we decided to risk it, and get out of town. As we made our way to the corner of Daisy and Anaheim, we looked to our right. No way would we be able to even drive down the street. The melee in Long Beach wasn't as intense as in South L.A. for sure, but it was bad enough. Gangs of folks were running up and down the street. A Thai restaurant was burning not a half block away. "We can't go right," I told Pat, let's make a left and head to the 710 freeway."

    We spent my birthday and the weekend in San Clemente as planned. I read about the remainder of the rioting while lying on my beach blanket. The rioting lasted almost a week. It was the top story in the nation for most of that time. When Pat, her kids, and I got back home, which thankfully hadn't been burned down, on Sunday evening, there was a renewed feeling of quiet in the air. The next day National Guardsmen were stationed all over the city, standing sentry on streetcorners near banks and check cashing outlets.

    I've had some good days and some bad days, and most of them I can contol somewhat. I pretty much would call April 30th, 1992 one of the worst days of my life, and the life of the nation. The worst part of the day is that I felt no control. Even the little control I had could have been waylaid by unforseen forces. There was a riot going on, and I was smack dab in the middle of it.

    This is a topic entry for the current Internet Island topic post: Bad Days and Good Days.  GO HERE for more bad and good day stories. (EDIT: 7:51 am) I meant to write this last year for the 15th anniversary of the riots. The 16th anniversary is next Tuesday. Oh, and the photos were obtained from a web search this morning. I wasn't out shooting photos of the riots!

Comments (60)

  • woah. I think that qualifies as a very bad day. How scary it must have been to be close to the rioting and all!

  • I remember that day, but, living on the East Coast, I had no idea it was that terrifying! You have an amazing eye for detail - my stomach is in knots right now - I feel like I was there!

  • the personal details in this bring to life a story that was just a bad news story before. it became very real! :heartbeat:

  • That's really interesting. I really appreciate being able to read the point of view of a true innocent bystander Thanks for writing that! I'm glad you were able to have your vacation and the house was safe and everything!

  • I had just taken a job in NoCal as a police reporter and had to write about a local guy who was killed by shooters while he tried to protect his business. Very sad day indeed.

  • Oh my, that definitely was a horrible day. I'm glad that everything turned out [relatively] okay!

  • ...oh, the OTHER DMV. Silly me.

  • Scary times.  Glad you lived to drive another day 

  • This must have been quite scary.

  • You tell it so well, the whole story literally comes to life.
    Good thing, the worst day of your life is already behind you.
    Have a happy birthday this year.

  • Oh wow! I never thought about the fact that you lived through that. Scary indeed!

  • Oh my God! I thought that racism was under control ever since the 90s in the u.S, but this is just... thank God that things didn't turn out THAT bad for you

  • there is very little in this life you can control...get over it and get on with it, i say....i've felt like burning down the DMV myself...

  • That definitely qualifies as a bad day!! I remember the time. Didn't know anyone in the area, back then. Glad you came through physically unscathed.

  • You should write a book on this! It's a really good, and strangely unAmerican story. Not anti-American as people typically mean it, I mean to say that it doesn't seem like something that would happen here. Well, it probably is something that wouldn't happen here, but California is a lot different. Strangely, I don't remember hearing about that or anything. Sure I was young, but I remember other things, like the first Gulf War. I guess people around here didn't really care that chaos was happening across the country.

  • This is definitely a bad day.  What a scary scary day.

  • I read your warning, but the page loaded extremely fast for me. ( : the pictures are amazing. whoever took them, to be that close...! [ha, ha]

  • that's what those fuckers get for making you wait so goddamn long

  • yes, that was a bad day

  • A bad day is an understatement. What you all went through was a living nightmare. The rioting was one of the darkest moments in the US history. Long simmering racial tensions were ignited by the verdict of Rodney King beating case, and some irresponsible people grabbed that chance to show their rage in the bloodiest and most violent way possible.

  • I do not remember anything about this incident, since I was only 8 when it happened. The first major national news story I remember was the 1993 WTC attack.
    This is another fine example of a well written and presented story of yours with quality visual aids and a personal perspective thrown in too.

  • Isn't there some sort of presidential medal of honour for that

    [Finally got to reading your poems]

  • You have no idea how great it was to read your comments.
    First of all, I should point out that there are some extremists that managed to give Arabs and Muslims a bad image around. To be honest, many people have condemned the act on 11/9, but so far most of the biased television channels, for example Fox News, managed to portray it as if we were scared of the USA's revenge, therefore suppressed our 'joy' over the chaos that struck that city. Islam is a religion of peace, and it never allows the bloodshed of the innocent. Even wars in the Islamic history never touched the children, the women, the old and the invalid, yet over there at these towers, how could the hijackers be certain that none of these were there at that time? Plus, we are not at war! Movies have managed to throw some light on the topic, yet sometimes they would shine on the dark parts rather than on the positives. For example, I remember Hot Shots, one of the comedy spoofs in the early 90s, portrayed Saddam Hussain. Now, that movie showed that he was a tyrant that collected money, and that he had a vast army which would follow his orders. Did anyone ever wonder how come people who had a relative murdered, or land taken from them work for the man who caused it all? Saddam didn't have the love of his own people, another reason why many Iraqis migrated from Iraq, my grandfather being one of then, yet why do movies show that people would be willing to sacrifice everything to save him? Isn't that a distortion of facts? Wouldn't such a scene make the viewers believe that Iraqis support Saddam and care for his welfare, therefore making them think of them as their enemies? Media sometimes doesn't serve the real purpose of its creation: real and true information.
    And thanks for being another wisher for my raise, I would take you out for a celebration if I did get it, but you're too far as it is, and I wouldn't suggest that you come to this dump. Another reason why I need to go home this summer. With BonBon out of the picture, I want some time to heal. I will also try visiting my teacher when I do get there, she's a darling. And you know something, track your teacher down and show her some of your work, she'd be happy to see that her guidance has proved to be worthwhile.

  • What a story! I love this song and am procuring it now. Thanks for expanding my horizons I'll have to check out the Island soon.

  • Great story Mike. It is so sad and hard to understand the mindset of people who would destroy the very community they live in as a means of protest.
    Count me among those who would have been well armed.

  • Incredibly scary... I don't know if I could have resisted fleeing!

  • I'm a little worried that we may have full scale rioting everywhere when our economy collapses.

  • Wow that sounds terrible! I just posted my bad day story
    but it has a positive twist...
    Happy late bday too!
    Hope everything is going awesome. You are a great
    Internet Island friends alwyas! :)

  • Good God Michael!  I would have been absolutely terrified!  I was horrified as I watched on television.  I, like Pat, ended up turning the televison off and heeded my husbands warning to "be very careful honey.  You don't know what might happen." He warned me just before he left for work, in Anaheim!  I can't imagine being right in the midst of the insanity!  You know I have to 5 star and  recommend this!~Jeri

  • Other than that how was the cake?

  • True insight from a true event, we only got the bloody good tv angle... unlike your good self

    The Texan comedian Bill Hicks had some great material about the LA riots; must be some mp3's (Arizona Bay album) or youtube clips of it if you fancy hearing another's pov

  • Hi Mike!

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    I wish you make another 50 years, to say the least!

    What a dreadful event… scary! That's something to tell us about!

    As usually your write it so well that it become vivid.

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