March 30, 2008

  • PhotoPost: San Gabriel Mountains Part 2


    It's Sunday morning, and I won't be going on a photo expedition to Hollywood today. It rained last night (I should have known. I washed the car on Friday!) and there's a thick cloud cover all over the Southland. Plan B was a companion PhotoPost to the San Gabriel Mountains entry I posted on March 16th. As usual, I am making sure I don't duplicate any of the photos you might have seen on the earlier post or in my PhotoBlog. There are now over 250  high quality photos taken with my new 7.2 megagpixel digital camera in the San Gabriel Mountains folder on my Webshots Gallery. Last time I looked, I still have the #7 spot of over 14,200 members who post California Photos.


    So the first photo this morning was taken this morning. It's a cloudscape with the sun trying to shine through the small hole in the clouds, but not quite being able to do so.


    Let's go to McDonald's! However, we don't eat there, ever since seeing that Morgan Spurlock documentary "SuperSize Me" in 2004. Acually, I was taking cloudscape photos and got some with signage and liked the shot. This was taken a couple of months ago.


    This and the McDonald's photos below were taken on the road to the mountains during the last photo expedition. This is the parking lot of one of the last remaining "original" McDonald's restaurant in Downey. I didn't eat there either, but liked this old GMC delivery van parked in front of the sign, which only credits the chain for "500 million sold." When I was a kid, they kept on changing the amount on the signs as the chain got more and more popular. Now it's just "billions and billions sold".


    Here is a shot of the whole restaurant. It's the fourth McDonalds ever built, and there was a big stink a couple of years ago when developers tried to take this puppy down. There is a "museum" in the building on the right. I love the old McDonald's mascot much better than Ronald. (even though Ronald is a clown.) The original iconic McDonald's chef is called Speedee McDonald.


    Here we have an "iconic" Baldmike Photo, with clouds and a chain link fence, objects which for some reason keep reappearing in my photos. I love cloudscapes, and my latest video, coincidentally called "Cloudscapes" is rated the #2 starred video of all time on Xanga! This image is looking south on Rosemead Blvd. in East Pasadena.


    As I drove up closer and closer to the San Gabriel Mountain range back on March 16th when I took most of these photos, I wanted to snap shots of the snow capped peaks. Of course, the closer I got, the snow capped peaks, larger mountains that are farther away, began to disappear in the distance, covered by the foothills in front of them. Here I snap a dangerous shot of Mt. Baldy while driving down the 210 freeway in the city of Irwindale.


    This is a companion shot to the photo of tall palm trees (which I love to show to you guys who don't have palm trees in your states.) I had on the earlier entry. This is looking south, away from the foothills, on Azusa Blvd, which continues north into the San Gabriels.


    A reservoir, part of the north fork of the San Gabriel River. As mentioned on the last photopost, I was incredibly lucky to get all these clouds in the area where I was driving, because a rainstorm was bearing down quickly, and in the early evening driving home I had to put the top up before I got wet.


    A cloudscape/mountain peaks photo framed by some tree foliage.


    Some of the trees alongside the brook I photographed. This area had lots of tourists, but I attempted to get more natural shots of the area than a bunch of guys and gals in shorts walking in the stream.


    Another magnificent cloudscape, using one of my filters. (Before anyone mentions it, I know I can edit out the power lines in my photo editor.) This is an unretouched photo.


    Lastly, another grim reminder that the foothills and mountains in the Angeles National Forest are subject to wildfires fairly easily. A lot of burned reminders of the past couple of fire seasons dot the landscape as one drives along the mountain trails and roads. Smokey the Bear beams from dozens of roadside signs, and there is no smoking allowed. Only YOU and I can prevent forest fires. Let's hope this year is a lot less fire laden than the past couple, as the weather is getting warmer. (Well, not today, but overall. In fact, as the morning advances, it might be a nice day, if a bit cool, after all.)

    Xangapedia entry comment return update: So far, I've only written 6 comments this morning. (But I'm preparing a post, too!) Yesterday I wrote 56 comments. On Friday I wrote 21 comments. (Some of those weren't comment returns on the Xangapedia post.) I'm on the third (or is the fourth) page of comments, and have listed comment returns for 60 of the comments I received. There are over 260 comments on the entry now, and it's sort of dying down. So I haven't even commented on a third of the entries yet. I'll be busy for most of the next week! I also updated my header image and profile pic. The background are icons from the Window's 3.1 operating system. I thought about where to put the dreamcatcher in the profile pic, and ended up turning a dreamcatcher into a computer icon! (I also slyly put a mouse arrow icon right on the logo for in the main header so that new readers will think it's theirs and hopefully click on my main website. )MFN/ppf

Comments (44)

  • I can't imagine what it'd be like to live near mountains and palm trees; I've lived in Nebraska my whole life. When I've visited my cousins who live in Colorado, I've always felt a little claustrophobic being surrounded by mountains. I need my flat prairie where I can see for miles!

    As always, the cloud pictures are lovely. And that old McDonald's is pretty cool!

  • oh the Reservoir is so pretty!
    as much as I hate McDonald's, I love the architecture of that old restaurant -- it has golden arches all over!

  • that place looks so beautiful

    i once went on a 14 day backpacking trek through the rocky mountains (living off of what we carried with us and IN what we carried with us) and it too was stunning, i guess it brought back memmories

    btw, your header smells of Windows 3.1

  • Another great post, Mike! I'd love to live there. Mountains, palm tree, ocean... ahh, now that would be nice. Not that there's anything wrong with flat lands and cornfields! Haha

  • @eadie - Dear Walter, Do you see the mouse arrow over the link to my website? (I'm so shameless, of course it should be a hand since it's a link, but what the heck.)

  • I presume this to mean that you intend for me to click it?

  • RYC: I have the Goofy collection, actually. It came in the set of 7 that I bought online. Dave wants me to sell it, though, because it'd fetch about $75 if I don't open it. I haven't decided yet!

  • I love your cloudscape photos! I take cloudscape photos every once in awhile. A lot of people tend to look at what's in front of them in the photo, rather than the sky itself. Isn't that interesting? I think they miss out on a lot when they do that.

  • What, no 300 comments yet?

    Nice clouds and mountains!

  • love the old mcdonald signs. they are getting very rare- which made me think. how old were you when you went to mcdonalds for the first time. they were more common in california than ny bc they started there so i suspect you were younger than i was when it happened. whew- over having to respond to all those comments! that part drives me insane. sometimes, i don't have a clue what to say... which is why i'm glad it's you and not me. i h8 it when it happens to me.:heartbeat:

  • Clouds are obscuring the sky.  Chicken Little would be frantic.  Congrats on your Xangapedia effort.  XANGAPEDIA.COM is still an available domain!

  • Wow what an effort Xangapedia. All those comments. Judi

  • LOVE  the clouds....I get lost in them....

  • I love the mountains and I think I've seen that McD's on tv!

  • Wish I was there! The weather seems pretty nice... beats the dullness here!

  • that is funny about McDonald's -I rarely go there since the kids are grown.  I remember when they opened one in Torrance ,Ca. and how exciting it was to see the teenagers working with the little paper hats and the deep fryer.

    I was remembering my past also and got several photos of the laundry mat I used as a young mother and washed my 38yr old's diapers at and they have the same chairs but of course the couple the Ray's are gone now.  I'll let you know when I post about it.

    Ca. is pretty when you get out of the city.  My siblings are moving out to Lake Matthews in Riverside and they say the houses are a good deal and since they're retired

  • lol u must find lotsa time posting stuf up, making banners and posting in general =P there's a lot of effort evident there. i like the word 'cloudscape' now. and i like the reservoir pic.

    the epitome of commercialism (ie. the golden arches) against the cloudless sky is such a stark contrast.

    i quite like the Fool in King Lear as well. the sage-fool, the wise fool.

  • Ryc : Hi Mike. I love the song too! and you know what? You too should probably get the codes and paste it in your page. :giggle:

  • More great pictures.  About the fires, I remember when we used to sit on the porch in the evenings and watch the hills burn.  Now they've put homes in the same spots, I guess, and they're astonished that...the homes burn, too.

  • I like the clouds .
    Compliments to the founder of the xangademy .
    In friendship


  • Great photos and great perspective.   I didn't know there was a Speedee McDonald before Ronald..........that's neat.

  • I have really wanted to visit California for quite a few years now. These pictures make me want to go even more! Love the palm trees.

    That McDonald's is so cute!

  • What an interesting blog you have. =)  I always enjoy seeing other people's photos, and I really like the ones you've posted here, especially the cloudscapes!

  • wonderful pics!

  • I love the cloud pictures! Very nice! (and the palm trees always impress me - I'm from PA)

  • Cool photos, and beautiful scenery!!!  Cali is such a beautiful place!!!  I had no idea until I went to San Diego, and also saw these pix!!!  Thank you, mike!!!!

  • @JandJinJapan - Dear Jason, It just so happens I have a little travel video called "San Diego Dreams" that's pretty popular over on YouTube, in case you're interested.

  • The sign should have said STOP "TURN AROUND AND BUY A SALAD"

  • I haven't eaten Mc D's since around 2004. I was moving and all the food was gone from the fridge so we had to eat fast food and Mc D's was cheapest and closest lol... I never liked the stuff, but I love the old Mc D's photos! Reminds me of being a kid and begging for Happy Meals.

  • Very cool pictures.... I need to buy myself a camera I do enjoy photography so....

  • Dear Michael,

    These are wonderful photos.  I was born in Azusa, CA and I remember the McDonalds my older sister worked at looked just like the one you have pictured.  I like the look of the old fashioned one as well.

    Have a wonderful night!


  • RYC: I dont mind people who leave comments that are blog entries when their comments are as good as yours.  It's always good knowing someone older who can relate to my current situation.  And it's a COMPLETE breath of fresh air to hear someone agree that I'll have shitty grades in college and that there wont be anything I can do about it, because I know that as much as you do so it seems, but everytime I explain my situation to other people they always say "well if you give 110% and try your best and go to office hours, if you put your mind to it, maybe you'll be able to make up for the bad grades you made?"  I cant stand the optimistic people who think that all professors are fair and forgiving and that if you say please and thank you that you'll get what you want.  You and me both know it doesnt work that way.

  • @goddessladyj - Haha... I never thought that mountains could make a person feel claustrophobic. 

    I feel safer when there are mountains surrounding me.  I actually live in the San Gabriel Valley. 

    It's interesting having regional points of views on what natural surroundings make one comfortable. 

  • @boredjm - Dear Julia, There's an ocean on the other side of us so there's really  no way to feel claustrophobic. (Maybe up where I was driving maybe, but not in L.A. or Orange Counties.) The Rockies are really big compared to the San Gabriels, which are just little hills. The prairie states are just that: prairie. For miles. As far as the eye can see. Not a mound or a hill in sight in some places. I tell ya, the sky (You might have noticed I like clouds) is maginificent. But I need an ocean beside me at all times. I don't know why. I just know it's always been there, and I'd hate to be in any place where I couldn't drive out to it on a daily basis. (Even when I lived in El Monte, Rosemead, or Glendora) I can't believe it when I hear of people who have never seen the ocean. Now that must be a treat to see it for the first time.

  • ryc: I love photography, but... I have some sort of weird camera curse or something. I have never had a camera that I haven't dropped and broken beyond usage on the very first day I got it. So I had a camera a few months ago... and I went to France and dropped it. I figure I'm actually getting better with cameras, because this time, I waited until I was out of the country to drop the camera and break the lens. Anyways, that's probably more than you ever wanted to know about me and cameras...

    as to what else to write... I dunno. But! I finally wrote something yesterday. yay me, I guess... it wasn't really interesting, but ah well.

    and I noticed the little mouse thingy at the top of your page! Haven't clicked on it yet, but I noticed it!

    so... yeah... that's all :spinning: wish I had cool smileys like that...

  • All your pictures are great, but I really like the one with the power lines!!!

    So, when you take these pictures, are you alone?  It seems like you would be too involved to have a companion.

  • I'll have fries with that and two apple pies.

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