October 26, 2007

  • The Great Fire Season of Aught Seven


    And so now the fiery evil has come again--making no distinctions, devouring almost everything in its path, reminding us of our mortality and of this elemental, powerful force of nature. Triggered by either the evil hand of a yet-to-be-identified arsonist or some accidental flame, the new fires linked up with the hot, dry Santa Ana winds and soon became a driving firestorm of fearsome destruction and fury. The infernos engulfed parts of Malibu and areas of Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties.

    From a Los Angeles Times editorial printed in the year 1993, 14 years ago.


    "Beauteous Destruction"
    poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
    July 20, 2004 6:50 pm 

    Oh how beauteous destruction appears,
    From within, and on high
    Sizzling the crackling leaves
    Heatsore and hellish
    Clamoring, climbing,
    Astounding ferocity
    Blighting bright skies
    Engulfing ranges of mountainous majesty
    Swallowing green and brown with equal fury
    A cloud of calamity, bowing to no master
    Beauteous appears destruction, oh how
    as she billows in glory, as if
    Heavenly clouds of angels sing
    The mystic spark of kindling bring
    And the flightless
    and flighted take wing
    Amazing wondrous cloud
    Ringed in black as night
    Amazing wondrous sight
    Washed against brilliant blue
    Smiling at such peacefulness around her
    As she catches fire
    Beauteous destruction blows south
    With a vengeance unfelt in the valley
    But sensed,
    As beauteous destruction walks on


    I took the photograph above in July of 2004, when I wrote the poem as well. The "cloud" is a cloud of smoke from a forest fire in the San Gabriel Mountains. I took this nearly 50 miles away from the fire on the top of the Palos Verdes hills looking north. It was a sunny summer day, fully three months before Fire Season usually starts. Normally on a bright day you would be able to see the mountainous terrain, hidden here by "beauteous destruction."


    Fire warms and comforts us
    And energy is consumed and exhumed
    by it's fickle embers
    Fire, captured and kindled
    unleashes great burning desires
    and causes our cold winters
    to become more bearable
    Fire tamed and tortured
    helps mold our very cities and
    give us unparalleled growth
    as people
    Sometimes fire burns out of control
    and no amount of water can
    end it's marching fury
    Carried on the wind and
    settling on the land
    it burns everything in it's path
    The very warmth
    that comforts
    causes burning

    From the poem "It's Elemental" by Michael F. Nyiri 11/25/05


    "Blood on the Moon" A "red moon" photographed with no filters nor tweaked with any special effects. For three nights this past week, the emerging full moon shone through a red haze, caused by the smoke, ash, and soot blown about by the 17 major fires burning throughout Southern California.


    These photos of the moon were taken early on Thursday morning, at about 5:30 am. By Friday, the "normal" marine layer had returned, and the air was moist and not hot and dry, as it has been all week.


    I live in Lomita, south of Los Angeles, close to the beach. We are at least 40 miles from any of the fires which raged last week. I work in Long Beach, 15 miles east, a town which always seems to get cloaked in soot and ash every fire season. During a particularly fiery week, like last week, the entire southland seems ablaze. Where I live and work we don't see the actual flames. At no time was I in danger. The fires were raging in the brush filled hills and mountains on the other side of the San Gabriel Valley and farther to the north, in Malibu and  to the south, in the city of  Irvine in Orange County, and worst of all in San Diego County, where the Witch fire caused over 500,000 San Diegans to be evacuated from it's fury (sometimes two or three times, as the winds changed and the fires changed course.)


    I must admit that as an amateur photographer, I would have liked to be able to present some stunning shots of "beauteous destruction". However, I stay away from the areas where fire has become a playful demon. For one thing, it's very dangerous. And another, I don't want to be one to get in the way of the firefighters, brave souls who do not sleep, barely eat, and risk life and limb to battle the beast. It's best that the rest of us stay away and don't bother them.


    I refuse to watch the television news, but I have seen the destruction in video on the web and in each and every edition of the L.A. Times since Monday. Each cover story includes a fiery photo splashed across the front of the newspaper. The images above were taken, along with video, of a fire in Baker, California, I stumbled across while driving back from Vegas in the early aughts. These are NOT photos of  last week's fires.


    I am not close to anyone who lived in the firey areas. My boss, Jack, has a vacation home in Lake Arrowhead, which he still doesn't know about it's fate, even four days after we first heard about the Arrowhead fires. His "cabin" narrowly escaped being burned in the Firestorm of Aught Three. But the fires were on the other side of the lake. This time, the fire burned the streets around his house, but nobody knows for sure if his house was spared or not. His daughter called the cabin from Florida, and got the answering machine. We joked that either the house is okay, or else it burned down and the answering machine is all right and still taking messages. Some times you have to have a sense of humor during times like this. Above is a composite photo combining the "red moon" with the fire in Baker.

    I offer a prayer to the victims and the survivors.

    On the Friday before the current firestorms began, culminating in 17 separate fires in total, a movie opened in Los Angeles called "Things We Lost in the Fire"

    A lot of the area in Malibu which burned this past week, in the first major fire, was the same area which burned in 2003. The area had completely been rebuilt, and will probably be rebuilt again.

    Some facts and figures:  As of Friday afternoon, the wildfires killed at least 12 people, had blackened some 800 square miles of Southern California and destroyed 2,000 homes and other structures. At one time last week, Qualcomm stadium in San Diego, home of the Chargers football team, housed 10,000 displaced San Diegans. (I refuse to call them "refugees" as in the media.) Last word is that the Chargers will play their scheduled game against the Houston Texans at Qualcomm on Sunday.

    One of my workmates has a daughter who attends college in San Diego. She lives in an apartment, and she was evacuated on Monday. Her college terminated classes and as soon as she got to the hotel to which she was evacuated first, in another area of San Diego, she was immediately evacuated to another area in Oceanside. Thankfully, by Wednesday, she was back home with her mother in Orange County. (looking over her shoulder)

    Tonight where I live there was an unsteady calm, and the sky was rimmed with cirrus clouds. The smoke had almost cleared, and the evening sky was a dark blue instead of a hazy red. Maybe the weather will give everyone a break. The Santa Ana Winds, the condition of hot dry winds sometimes topping 50 mph, which spreads the fires, are not finished blowing, although they seem to have quit for now. More of them appear sporadically all the way into December some seasons.

    We all pray for rain, but as soon as the rains come, if they come, the areas which have been burned in the fires become muddy, and then Mudslide Season begins.

    And you know, in other disaster news, we've been hearing about the "big one", the monster earthquake which is supposed to cause parts of SoCal to fall into the sea, since the early 70s.

    But these rare and destructive times are offset by the beautiful weather and lovely landscape which covers the area 7/8 of the year. 

    EDIT: 10/26. 9:20am pdt. I just added the "Fire" section of my 2005 poem "It's Elemental" to this post.

Comments (61)

  • Fire - quite the primal element.

    Am sure this is extremely devastating for many people;
    can't help but think that there are some places people should not live,
    like in canyons where fire sweeps through.

    P.S. Your colors go with the fires and the season.

  • Mike, so glad to hear that you are in no danger from those fires.  Wish more people had your attitude about staying away.  The photos are remarkable, particularly the one where you combined the fire and the moon.

    I know it is beautiful there, but also fragile, it seems, from my perspective; fires, and mudslides, and earthquakes, and  - hurricanes/tornadoes?  I guess there's always something, though, wherever you live.  Here we could have ice storms, and sometimes tornadoes, and flooding (although mostly people know where the flooding will occur, they just keep building there anyway).

  • Stunning photos.  Good to hear you're OK.  What often amazes me about fires is what doesn't burn.  A neighbors house was struck by lightening several years ago - the crystal and popcorn survived.  (He wasn't home at the time.)  Stay safe!!!

  • I'm happy to hear that you are okay and not near all of that terrible destruction. The blood moon photo's are so interesting. I like the poem a lot too. I love that you point out that California is normally lovely 7/8 of the year! It is a beautiful place that just has a bit of bad rap, huh? I'm not sure where to comment on your morph image of you as a kid until now, so I'll just do it here....I think that is so COOL! I have to wonder though, why the last shot you're not smiling!? Your smile shines through in that whole morph until the end...it actually made me sad. Little boy grew up and got sad. And I know that's not true! You always have such a good outlook on life. :)

  • I have heard of those fires and it bothers me to know how many victims and lifes this is going to effect.....It kinda reminds me of the volcanos when they decide to explode and the hot burning lava spewing everywhere.......the scortching of the earth and the brave men and women who go out to save the lives in its path while giving up their own......If I lived anywhere close I would have to be somewhere where I could bring water and fluids to those brave men and women....I would even cook for them for free.........

    Your photos are always something and put me in awe at the amount of talent you have.....Poetry, large writing, photography and more.....Your blogs are so full of life and living.....I wish I even had half your talent for writing....

    Here is to hoping that it continues not to touch you....but is over soon........I wonder about the effect it has on all the zoos in California....and hope the animals can be saved toooo.........

  • The seasons, as I see them in San Diego are cloudy, rainy, perfect and fire. But, lately, there seeems to be only three.

  • Thanks for sharing this post Mike. I have family in the San Diego region, I have spoken with them and they are all fine, but also described the strange cloud, or not cloud, but smoke hovering in the air. Your photos help the rest of us to understand how severe this event actually is. Once, there was a huge fire in Mexico and the smoke drifted up to Texas. People were warned to stay inside, especially those with asthma, the elderly and the children. I imagine it is the closest thing I have experienced to what you guys are going through. I share a prayer with you for all of those in beautiful Cali!

    RYC: Thanks for continuing to drop by even though I have been a horrible commenter. Right now, I should really be at the grocery store, but hey... whatever, I need a little Xanga time.

    Hang in there my friend!
    Hugs, Tricia :wave:

  • I'm glad you haven't been affected by the fires going on lately. I feel bad for the people who have, though.

  • Thank you for the poem....individually...my life is pretty good...collectively with others I'm forced to engage with...is where things get complicated.

    I guess you hadn't gotten to my video comment...? About Albuquerque? My home town.....

    I can't imagine what it would be like having my home destroyed by fire.

  • Mike, your "Fire" peotry is from the best you have ever published...I hope you continue to explore that side of your personality more. There is more richness in how you wrote about the fire aspect.

  • Mike,

    I am glad to hear that you are not in the fire area.  I think the fire poem is intense and well done.  The photos speak of so much that is unspeakable.  When viewed from this aspect, they tell a tale all alone.

    I remember when I was in third grade...doesn't everyone realize that third grade is the one when you wake up to a bigger world?  There were fires in California that year.  Big ones, they were on the news and for some reason, I paid attention.  My social studies book had maps, real maps.  I pored over the maps trying to understand where California was located and how far it was from me and my life. Since it was "on the other ocean," I thought there must be some kind of connection.  Every day at recess and after dinner, I would look to the western horizon trying to see the smoke from the fires.  --No small feat, since I had to trick someone into telling me which direction was west from school and home. (Telling me that the sun set in the west had no meaning at school where the sun was overhead.)  For some reason, that has stuck with me all through my life.  I always pay attention to fires in California and the moon turning to blood....


  • By brother is in CA, near laguna beach. he said their is soot on the cars. I can't imagine. :eek:

    The pictures are cool if you don't think about what they really are. Great poem.

    RYC: I'm pretty sure that's the shortest comment I ever got from you. Thanks for the info, I like the word thingy better though.

  • What amazing photos of such a horrible event.  The moon shots are great!  My niece lives in West Hollywood so thankfully she wasn't in any kind of danger.

    Now then, I'm returning a comment for you that you made on my site a couple of weeks ago.  Your comment:  "I'm always telling folks who shy away from spending time with their mothers and fathers to do so as much as possible. We all pass away sooner or later, and we should spend as much time loving and being loved by our family, because too soon all we have are only memories."  Did you hit the nail on the head or what?  I can't stand it when people say, "I haven't talked to my mother in months or even seen her in a long time, etc.  What I would do to be able to talk to or see my parents again.  I do thank God for my close family though.  My parents did that to us. 

    You take care and do visit whenever you want!

  • This is such a terrible natural event.

    Nice job with the pictures, description, and poetry.

  • It is voices like yours that make prayers a more believable word, thank you for the blessing amidst the destruction for that shall be in the surpassing moment, the time for a thorough cleansing . . .

    sharing the light,
    Miss Erica Hidvegi, the Enlightenment Advisor,B.A. Ursuline College Psychology (spclztn in Child Dvlpt & Abnrml Psych), M.A. Atlantic University-Transpersonal Psychology Studies- Cnslng/ Author, Artist, Photographer, Entrepreneur and Freelance extraordinaire:wave:


  • I'm in Aliso Viejo, just inland from Laguna Beach -- it's been sooty and smoky all week here, with orange moon and brown sky and all things that are horrible about fires!  Yesterday and today somewhat better, with the winds going the other way and much calmer -- and they finally seem to be getting a handle on the fire now.  I have great admiration for those firefighters who work long tiring and dangerous hours without breaks or food & water.  Thanks for this post!

  • Great and scary pictures.  Awesome poetry! This was very good.

  • ryc -- Thanks for the compliments!  I agree about staying safe, although I do look for good vantage points.  There were several times when I could see flames in the distance -- that's too close for comfort, but adds to the surreal nature of what we've seen this past week.  I think my comments were an attempt to make sense of a world that had lost its stability.  Your description of 'beauteous destruction,' and of the unsteady calm as we return to normal are very apt, but each day now seems to be a little more normal!  Thanks again for this post, and for your comments on mine.     Janet

  • I like how you put time signatures on your poetry.  It really makes them appear very personal and tied with your daily life.

  • I always wonder a little about why people live in places that are so dangerous. When I was small, I used to think everyone should just move off of Hawaii because it's clearly a VOLCANO and not a place to build a house lol. Of course, here in TN, we have the risk of the New Madrid fault line. No one thinks about it much, but I know Allstate quit writing earthquake insurance here so they must believe the threat is significant. If you ever want to know what the real risk is, look at what insurance companies are doing lol. I love the red moon photos you got... eerie... I hope your friends and loved ones are safe.

    ryc- I always post larger versions of the paintings on my deviantart site. I post smaller images here so people don't have to wait too long for my page to load.

  • Amazing photographs!

  • :eek: love the imagery in the poem. it matches the pictures perfectly. i can understand wanting pics but not wanting to be in the way and impede the firefighters progress. ugh!

  • I don't know what it is about fire, whether it's the colors, or the warmth of it since I'm always cold, or both, but I love fire! Of course, not in the destructive sense. But there's just something that draws me to it. Anyway, I hope everyone's houses and the people themselves made it out ok. I don't usually follow the news, even on something like that, so I don't know how much damage was done.

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