June 23, 2005

  • This ElectricPoetryPost includes poetry written during the 21st Century. The poems, "Ultimately Alone" and "Questioning Depression Couplets" have been featured on this blog in the past.

    "Poem for the New Year 2000"
    Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
    © December 31, 1999 2000 12:10 p.m. pdt

    When the books are all opened, and the covers thrown back,
    The face of humanity will see the naked form of serendipity, wallowing in self-absorbtion, asking alms for creativity.
    The number is so round, so pure, so oval.
    In a past life one could never really grasp that humankind would arrive at this point.
    And in fact it is somewhat perilous, and with shaking hand,
    That I address the multitudes on this momentous day.
    A day like any other day,
    And yet a day, which by it's nature will cause it to be etched in the books,
    Those same books, which upon opening, serendipity stares at us,
    Wondering what all the fuss was about anyway.

    Nature wouldn't give presents to the inhabitants.
    They stole everything they could get.
    God couldn't abide by the inquisitive nature of man which gave cause for the fall.
    So upon leaving the garden one was given pause.
    And nobody heeded the call.
    In recompense, a short year hence, when the actual Millennium is nigh,
    Will anyone be the wiser, and will I breathe a belated sigh?
    Ago, now, the disheveled remains of circumstance see fit to
    Tell the unsuspecting populace not to worry.
    Youth ages, and the skin gets wrinkled.
    I do not feel any older, nor any wiser today.
    But I am glad to be alive, and glad that I could stay.

    The same, pure, realization which draws the numbers,
    Draws the wonder from my soul, and energizes the totality with electricity.
    Something is brewing, something is conjuring up a delicate brew,
    Which, when taken from the cup of kindness, will spark a Millennial attitude.
    I will not have felt these feelings, nor lived this life. I will be refreshed.
    I will drink without prejudice, and satisfy my hunger for romance.
    I will bathe in the waters of satisfaction.
    A new dawning, a new page turned from the book.
    A clean white page beackoning to creativity.
    We are all, at once, a doomed and fallen lot,
    Yet we are infused with this wonder and this capacity for understanding.
    Humankind is the duality of the universe.
    One man, one woman.
    A thousand thousand meager understandings spark me this afternoon.

    This is my poem for the new Millennium. This is my viewpoint for the stars in our souls.
    As the numbers seem so round and full, so does my love.
    Satisfaction upon being, a delicate balance fulfilled.
    I approach this year, this decade, this century, the Millennium,
    With a rapture of feeling for the Godhead's mysteries fortold.
    I open my arms to this enthusiasm in the ether.
    And stand transfixed, ready to welcome time into my bosom again.


    " Random Soliloquies"
    Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
    © May 27, 2001 6:51 p.m. pdt

    Meaning, there was a time when it all seemed less meaningless than it does now
    That time existed in some ethereal space where meaning ceased mattering.
    That was a long time ago, too. Here it is the twentyfirst century,
    And I can't find the meaning in the momentous millennium.
    I thought I could, I practiced for months until it happened,
    And when it did it seemed so happenstance.

    Love, there was a word I cherished and disdained.
    I searched for love until I hurt, and hurt causes meaning to destroy whole continents.
    Love ceased to desist, but I craved this love from afar.
    I looked up from my (lonely) meal to find peace and anticipation.
    I grew tired of meaningless diatribes, even as I formulated my own.
    Meaning is found humor, a proclamaiton of presence, a solid footing for disaster.
    Love is an emotion few practice, I fear.

    Existence, there, that was the flaw. I am here, so I exist.
    Just like you and everyone else. But do I exist in reality, or in my tired mind.
    I ingested alterations, only to find that the reality wasn't so perpetual.
    I grew insistent that this existence should not be in vain.
    The existence of the meaning in love is tantamount in thought.
    Love exited quickly.
    Meaning eluded capture.
    Existence keeps on happening, and I'm not sure if I care anymore.

    Proof that existence, love, and meaning exist, and are present in me and in mankind?
    Look no further than this poem,
    Look no further than this existence, this meaningful love of perfection.
    It does exist, it's just that so many of us are condemned to waiting for meaning
    in perpetuity.
    We wait,
    We exist,
    We sometimes die, and maybe it is answered, as I feel, or maybe not.

    These are but the random soliloguies of quietude, reserved for the imminent few.
    Spout on about all this, and milk the words of the prophet.
    Keep the belief system warm, and I shall comfort you.
    And nothing was accomplished, but much was said.
    Again and again and again.

    "Ultimately Alone "
    Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
    © Saturday, November 17, 2001 2:12 a.m. pst

    I've had this warning, this simple feeling, this surge of passion, this artistic bent,
    But it has always been with me throughout the years, and to me the love was never sent,
    Sure yes , the women, three month wonders, indulging nature's deepest secrets,
    But the secret of sexual ultimate satisfaction,
    The kiss that takes forever?
    Finishing each other's sentences...
    Love with the equal partner?
    This eludes me,
    And all my life offers is bitter regrets.

    At once my intellect reasons that we're each one of us ultimately alone.
    As age escalates, the social circles get smaller and smaller

    These computers don't really help now do they?
    Emails send themselves these days, and even the great chasm of humanity hooked up to
    computers, merely seems to be a bunch of lonely people sitting in front of machines.

    Like me, I guess.

    So each day I tip my hat to the excuse for middle aged craziness I call my set of wheels.
    Twenty Thousand reasons to get out on the road, put the top down, and listen to music
    blaring unsahamedly from the open maw of cultural disrespect.

    I like it. I'm me. I'm alone and enjoying it.

    The sad fact of age advancing with alarming irregularity, taking with it valued human resources,
    Leaving us with nothing but memories.

    And as one ages, there are more memories to forget.

    I have always embellished my memories and now I don't know what the truth is.
    I do know this.
    As I drive the 8 speaker, 100 watts per channel two seater stereo system, I don't feel alone.
    I feel refreshed.

    I interact, I talk alot. Sometines people evern listen.
    But it's always "people."
    Never "my soulmate", or "the one."

    I yearn for connections, and I'm ultimately alone.

    I travel the country, and I'm ultimately alone.

    I'm having lot's of fun.
    But I'm ultimately alone.,,,,

    The receptacle has never been located,
    With which I shall energize this existence,
    But perhaps I shall never find the other half.
    Perhaps, I will find answers long after my stay on terra firma.has degenerated
    into dust and dust.
    Perhaps, I know the answers.
    And I am fated never to find my soulmate on Earth.

    Who knows.

    I am resigned.

    "People move away, they die, and they grow old."
    The dust and dust and dust blows away in the wind.
    Existence extinguishes eventually.
    Everybody knows that.
    And they are ultimately alone.

    And then everyone gets together..............
    When they all leave here.

    "Marathon Memory"
    Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri 
     © Friday, February 13th, 2004 5:08 p.m.pst
    (an exercise in spontaneous poetry 3)

    Must the candles burn so low?
    Fingers get singed
    before the light goes out
    talk to people whom you've known
    and they answer with cold stares
    shivers might travel down
    the spine
    but they just can't remember

    Must the cradle stop rocking?
    Out back with the ashes
    And the music stops
    She might have suffering
    With which no one can emphasize
    And people just
    about it sometime

    Must the anger return?
    Heavy hearts hurt
    Hardly mattering to some
    And circumstance
    Makes prisons of existence
    Worry all the time

    Must I be fated to remember the past?
    Must I shoulder the burden of forgotten conflict?
    Must I keep trying to find a reason for reality?
    A moment of mystifying the passionate roundelay
    Of random wonder.

    I wonder.
                 Because marathon memory meanders much
            And life can get real sticky to the touch.
       Must I remember that too?
    Memory loss,
    And it happens
    Whether I remember it or not.

    "Questioning Depression Couplets"
    Poetry by Michael F. Nyiri
    © July 5, 2004 : 7:00 a.m. pdt

    Dost thou walk upright, steady, peaceful, whole?
    Or should these wiley snags flush, burbling, down the bowl?

    Are odes to silence written in a wisp of sadness?
    Might hurried glances deign to smite pure gladness?

    Am I, again, the concrete rock so chipped and sore?
    Why is this full foul sadness knocking at my bolted door?

    For ev'ry life I've touch'd, have I but seemed to quit?
    What causes limbs to shaking, this frightful little fit?

    For look upon the battlements, the fatal berm of consequence.
    The ease with which to slip, and fall makes small amount of sense.

    Yet down fall I, upon the ground, with bleeding, tearful eyes
    So out of touch and loveless, not a whim within me prys.

    Blue, faultless pain, again, again,
    No sunshine brightens after rain.

    What questions can be asked, or answers seek?
    When diaphanous deliriums crawl through where sadness sneak.

    I cannot exist in time, in tide, with will so callow
    As days begin with petty pain, and fulsome sorrows fallow.

    Those same damn questions hamper, guileless, at my soul
    Was this the idle circumstance of which the Gods' foretold?

    Depression lives among my manic searches for the truth,
    And wipes complacent solace from my slate as still I sleuth.

    Dost thou pretend to care, sweet life, ebullient, whole?
    Shant I begin to flush these feelings, burbling, down the bowl?

    No matter how the conscience tries, to eradicate the pall,
    I still harbor this empty feeling that I haven't given all,

    So questioning depression couplets rhyme with pain and loss
    For love forgotten, tear stained, sodden, shall my words emboss.

    Dost thou who read me, realize that words can do so little?
    And at my look of sadness at the pain which does so whittle.

    Carving up my platitudes to life's mistakes are petty
    I'll live with questioning depression watching from the jetty

    Oh, that happiness wouldst shine upon my life again
    Perhaps those questioning depressions shall but eke without my pen.

Comments (388)

  • The face of humanity will see the naked form of serendipity.... i :heartbeat: this phrase and would love to read a poem built around it someday....:laugh: the depression couplets mirrored my feelings exactly when i'm in that place!

  • Excellent post!  I wonder Michael~If I may be so bold... why have you never found her? You are bright, caring, life loving... you seem a great "catch" if you will?

    Perhaps your distiny was to find her late in life?

  • Beautiful poems... and may you find your heart's delight soon. xo

  • :) I enjoyed reading those . I think my favorite of these is 'Questiong Depression Couplet's'. I can feel it .

    Your writing is exquistite .

    Peace and Love :)

  • DAMN Mike... I fear I will prove to be quite inarticulate this time around, because you just sucked the breath right out of me...

    "Poem for the Year 2000"... Prolific... and causes me to remember the things I was thinking as the millenium approached... my grandparents not believing we made it... and now I wonder if perhaps we were premature in celebration, because a few short years later, here we are... and I believe this is an apocolyptic time.

    "Random Soliloquies"... how thought provoking is that? I always lose myself in existentialism... and this made me feel a bit bereft and lonely... and it pains me to no end that a soul such as yourself knows this feeling... of searching and searching... respecting and disdaining love... you are too beautiful

    "Ultimately Alone" is ultimately beautiful to me... but completely heart breaking. I see myself writing this same work when I am older... what is it with us poets? Perhaps we love in a fashion that is too much for the rest of the world... I have heard a time or two that I frighten those I have affection for. I don't know how to not be so intense about it, it was born ingrained with in me... poets have the cross of sensitivity to bare.

    "Marathon Memory" the last line... and it happens, whether I remember or not... speaks timeless volumes of truth... life does exactly what it wants to us, giving no thought or care to the effect it has, and we are left with the pieces of damage to sift through, and if we are any good at living, we take those pieces and manufacture something livable... at least I try to.

    "Questioning Depression Couplets"... If there is EVER any question as to your talents as a masterful poet... simply show this writing... I have no words to adequately express how amazing this poem is. It's not just the insane, and perfect flow (though that is superb, my friend)... your pain is quite tangible here, as is your frusteration with yourself, with the world... this is the embodiment of excellent writing, right here.

    With and great esteem,

  • Maronthon Memoreis touched my heart. Thank you .

    It is hard to choose a favorite here , they are all superb.

    Thanks for stopping over , many memoires can be pleasant .

    Peace and love :)

  • I wasn't going to comment on this particular entry because I really don't like commenting on stuff I haven't carefully read all the way through... but your most recent comment compelled me to click over and perhaps offer some suggestions in regards to what you said about me, and your particular comments "plight" here on xanga.

    Mike, Mike, Mike... Despite my having been around xanga for nearly 3 years, I doubt very much that I'm a legend or have "connections" -- I think I get comments because some people seem to relate to what I write. It may surprise you and others to learn that, comparatively, I do not have that many subscribers. But what I do have are a pretty loyal bunch who invariably can be counted on to respond to what I've written-- when I write... (FYI: I used to write nearly every day in the beginning and got the same amount of comments - if not more, than I do now writing once a week.) One thing I've found is the more genuine feeling I had writing something? The more people seemed to comment... maybe that's what they're responding to, who knows? There's really not a science to this! I only write when something moves me to do so-- hence the lag in between some entries. Maybe, at least for my readers, it's that feeling with which I've written that persuades them to comment-- more so than just blah blah blah words.

    Although it doesn't really matter in the long run, number of comments-wise, whether one writes short or lengthy posts, I've found that most heavily commented-on sites are more successful posting the shorter entries or one with lots of pictures... so in the future, you might try posting one poem or two instead of the 5 you have posted on this entry. Also, if the writing of lengthy comments take up an inordinate amount of time, you might try shorter more concise commenting. I'd wager that quite a few readers have shorter attention spans, or time to read, than you have. To me, often it's not the number of comments a blog generates but from whom (I have my favorites) and the quality of the comments made...

    and please, keep in mind that I am in no way denigrating what/how you write... and that I am no expert on blogging.

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